Fabio Arjona, has dedicated a lifetime to the environmental and sustainability sector in Colombia. Vice President of Conservation International Colombia. He was a field biologist, deputy technical director and executive director of the Corporación Autónoma Regional de los Valles del Sinú y del San Jorge. Former director of the Forestry Action Plan for Colombia, an FAO program in alliance with the National Planning Department. He was environmental manager of the Urrá Multipurpose Project. He headed the Physical Environment Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment as vice minister. He has been a consultant for the World Bank on environmental and infrastructure issues for several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. He did his undergraduate degree in marine biology at Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano.
From Conservation International he has promoted forest restoration initiatives such as Naturamazonas, Musesi, Nuestros Futuros Bosques, Corredor de Transición Andino – Amazónico, has promoted projects for climate change adaptation in the Paramos Chingaza- Sumapaz- Guerrero corridor, in coastal areas of the country, hand in hand with different allies, promotes exemplary programs such as Vida Manglar, the first project to obtain verification by VERRA for the sale of blue carbon credits, among others.